Attract Only Perfect Fit Clients,
Multiply Your Revenue and Impact!

Join us for the LIVE:

September 13 @ 11-12:30pm EST or
September 14 @ 4-5:30pm EST

Attract Only Perfect Fit Clients, Multiply Your Revenue and Impact!

Join us for the LIVE:

September 13 @ 11-12:30pm EST or
September 14 @ 4-5:30pm EST

Your brand creates a foundation for everything else in your business…

Your marketing, offers, how much you charge, who you attract and so much more. And, it frames what people think and their perception of your business.

You may already have a brand, but if it’s not working “for” you – it could actually be working against you and repelling people.

During this workshop, I’ll be sharing the branding secrets that no one else is talking about, that will lead to:

But first, you need the CLARITY of what your brand is missing, and how to shift to a category-of-one brand!

In this workshop, you’ll discover:

Top Mistakes Entrepreneurs make in their brand and how to avoid them

Your Business “North Star”: Getting clear on this changes EVERYTHING

The Exact Framework and Steps you need to take to create your show-stopping brand

What a Legacy Brand is and why you need one

PLUS Live Q&A, hot seats, and much more!

Learn the signature process we use with ALL our clients!

“Getting clear on my brand vision was so pivotal to being really grounded in the development of my brand story. It helped to completely bring out my distinction and differentiation so I truly feel confident in myself and my offers. I never realized how important creating a brand truly is and now realize it was the foundation for everything in my business.”

Alisa Owens

Sales Coach

“The brand for Impacting Millions was disjointed. I wanted to launch with a bang but didn’t know how to do about it.It was such a dream to work with Tiffany. The look she developed was beautiful and made me so confident going into the launch, which brought in over 7 figures. If you’re looking to up-level your brand, and your legacy, I highly recommend working with Tiffany.”

Selena Soo

Marketing and Publicity Expert

This workshop will help you gain clarity in your brand, so you can:

We are going to re-examine what’s your current brand (or help you define your non-existent brand) and craft a foundation so strong that you’ll feel fully confident and gain clarity on how to create the brand you’ve always dreamed of.

“As a first generation immigrant, I am a coach for women of all colors. My work is more important than ever. By working on my vision and brand with Tiffany, my business has doubled in the past year. I had my first 6-figure, sold-out launch during a pandemic because of this work!”

Elaine Lou Cartas

WOC Business & Career Coach

“I have invested in a LOT of things… I have been guilty of shiny object syndrome. It wasn’t until I decided to work with Tiffany that everything shifted. Thanks to my own Legacy Brand, my company has reached amazing new levels.”


Ina Coveney​

Global Presence Expert

What’s the most valuable thing in your business?

It’s not your email list, your products, or your content… 

It’s your BRAND. And guess what? You HAVE a brand, whether you realize it now or not.  

So let’s take 90 minutes together to get really intentional about to begin mapping out what your brand is, what your unique vision is, and how you will show up in your business.

What’s the most valuable thing in your business?

It’s not your email list, your products, or your content… 

It’s your BRAND. And guess what? You HAVE a brand, whether you realize it now or not.  

So let’s take 2 hours together to get really intentional about what your brand is, what your unique vision is, and how you will show up in your business.

I help highly-motivated, mission-driven women business owners make massive impact with their businesses by creating a Legacy Brand™ that lasts.

If you feel like something is “off” in your brand, or you’ve never really been intentional about creating a brand, I can help.

After working with Fortune 500 brands such as Burts Bees, Adidas and Stoli Vodka as a Creative Director for over 15 years, and now working directly with 6 and 7 figure entrepreneurs…

I’ve uncovered the secrets to what it really takes to build a brand foundation that will multiply sales and allow you to shine bright as the expert you truly are!

I can’t wait for you to experience aha moments that will change the trajectory of your life and business in just 90 minutes in this transformational workshop.

“I now have clarity and have completely pivoted in my business into an aligned place I never imagined. I was looking for is was alignment when I started working with Tiffany, because I had so many balls up in the air and was juggling so many things. It was just like a scattered bunch of puzzle pieces and it didn’t quite know what to, what to make of it. I definitely needed someone to mirror back to me how it all connected, how it all fit.

Sarah Yasukochi

Marketing Agency Owner

“Tiffany really helped me streamline everything in my business. After being in business for 10years and trying “all the things”, this process was the one that truly provided the results I was always looking for. My brand finally feels aligned and the process was easy, fun and more amazing than I expected.”

Lisa Shaw

Brand Photographer

Finally Get Crystal Clear on Your Brand, Once and For All!

What’s Your Brand “Operating System”?

Take the Brand OS™ quiz to discover the glitches in your Brand OS, and how to optimize and get it running smoothly again, so you can captivate and convert your audience like never before!