Do you want a message that…

…grips hearts & minds
…attracts ideal clients in droves
…and skyrockets your income?

You don’t just need a brand.
It’s time for your LEGACY.

Do you want a message that…

…grips hearts & minds
…attracts ideal clients in droves
…and skyrockets your income?

You don’t just need a brand.
It’s time for your LEGACY.



A 12-week experience that takes your brand and messaging from “so-so” to MAGIC – leading to a fully-booked waitlist, more money in the bank, and the ability to impact and inspire on a grander scale – creating the foundation for…

your legacy.

I believe creating your Legacy needs to be high touch, which is why we keep this intimate with only 15 spots available.

Are you tired of:

Not being able to talk about what you do with clarity and in a compelling way? Your message is a giant jumble of words that has become impossible to refine or make sense of.

Working with various coaches and strategists who dole out cookie-cutter processes that never seem quite right? It’s like trying to squeeze into your jeans after a holiday meal that could feed a small army.

Seething quietly with envy as your peers (who have the same, or less, expertise than you) soak up all the attention and customers? They must be better at marketing, or something?

Clients are raving….

“The brand for Impacting Millions was disjointed. I wanted to launch with bang but didn’t even know how to go about it.


It was such a dream to work with Tiffany. The look she developed was beautiful and made me so confident going into the launch, which turned out to be a 7-figure launch. If you’re looking to up-level your brand, I highly recommend working with Tiffany”

– Selena Soo

Publicity and Marketing Strategist + Founder of Impacting Millions

“This process gave me such a boost of confidence. I can now see into the future of my company. Up until working with Tiffany, I had aspirations and dreams, but I couldn’t see how the dots would all connect because the brand was so disjointed.


Sometimes you come across someone with a gift, it’s hard to put your finger on it. I’ve been in business for 10 years and have worked with different brand strategists before. This was so different. Tiffany’s strategy is incredible, but it’s her intuitive nature, her gift makes it a no-brainer to work with her. If you want to truly create a Legacy with your business, you need Tiffany in the process.”

– Elizabeth Hartke

Founder and CEO of Luminary Leadership

You might feel like your situation is just too complicated, too unique to share succinctly and wonder why this messaging stuff feels so hard.

The truth is: it’s really NOT that complicated.
You’re just focused on the wrong thing.

Most entrepreneurs “build the plane while they’re flying it.” 


They tackle things in pure reactive mode, constantly putting out fires. 


They often DIY their brand as they go, or jump from VA, to designer, back to VA, perhaps onto a project manager… and around and around, cycling through who’s in charge of the brand message and visuals at rapid speed. 


They may “study” other people in their industry, getting “inspired” by their work – but just end up a mediocre copycat that has zero authenticity and zero excitement. 


This all leads to a DISJOINTED or NON-EXISTENT brand.


One that confuses your audience and repels ideal clients and lucrative opportunities. 

My mission is to change this…

Hey, I'm Tiffany!

I’m a visionary branding strategist who helps highly-motivated entrepreneurs and influencers create their Legacy Brand™ that will impact the world for generations to come.


After 15 years in the corporate world, working with global brands like FedEx, Stoli Vodka and Burt’s Bees, I struck out on my own to help business owners transform from “entrepreneur” into “legacy.”


THE LEGACY BRAND FOUNDATIONS™ experience is not your typical “group program.” 


Together, we will develop your entire brand foundation, messaging, and story, so you finally feel like you can talk confidently about what you do and create a magnetic brand and message that sets the foundation for your LEGACY.


Whether you’re fairly new and don’t know where to begin, or seasoned, thinking “been there, done that”, this process is completely different from any messaging process you’ve ever tried before.


This is NOT an online course. It’s all DONE WITH YOU, so you can focus on your genius work.


In-between our calls, the small, intimate group of like-minded entrepreneurs serve as a real-time focus group.



You will receive tangible feedback from other rockstar business owners who GET IT.


Clients are raving….

“The change and the clarity, it was instant, it’s a quantum leap change.”


I have been in business for such a long time and had worked on my brand messaging, yet it never truly felt 100% on point. This process changed everything. It was easy and didn’t take a ton of time.


I now feel like I can embody who I really am. I’m launching a certification, and this process has really given me the courage and the guts to do it. The change and the clarity, it was instant, it’s a quantum leap change.

– Jeanne Foot

CEO and Founder, Recovery Concierge

“I have felt so supported through this amazing process.”

I received so much clarity during Legacy Brand Foundations. And I have felt so supported through this amazing process. My brand manual has been such a blessing and I am more ready than ever to help women revolutionize their lives.

– Carla Ballou

Human Potential Coach


Working fewer hours because you have a structure in place for your brand and messaging.

Nailing your brand and message so you don’t have to wipe it clean and start over in two years.

Working with higher level clients who are so motivated to follow your advice because they see you as the expert you truly are.

Being widely recognized as a leader in your niche for your unique expertise that you no longer need to hustle – opportunities flow to you with ease.

Having a global impact, reaching clients around the world who would otherwise never have the chance to work with you.Working with higher level clients who are so motivated to follow your advice because they see you as the expert you truly are.

Let’s Create Your Legacy Brand

Each week we will work through the 5-phase Legacy Brand Framework so you walk away with clarity, confidence and the foundation to your Legacy Business.


We first create your Legacy VISION which serves as a guidepost throughout the entire process. In the background, I am researching your existing brand and strategizing how we can take it to the next level. Or if you don’t yet have a brand, how we will create it!


Once the discovery is complete, we dive into completing the brand foundation.


This includes developing your VISION, VALUES and VOICE, MISSION, POWER, PROMISE and PURPOSE.


Using a 7 step framework, we will craft your unique BRAND STORY which is key to develop a strong call to action for your ideal clients. 



Once completed you will have a simple, beautiful way to communicate your big idea and work in the world.



The group calls provide a wonderful way for like-minded professionals to also provide their feedback and insights for a well-rounded, objective view of your business.


We will dig deeper and look at your unique flavor, how you show up in the world and how we can apply that into your entire brand from your messaging to your visuals via your brand personality.

This is where your unique positioning is created, and I personally help you to craft messaging for YOUR unique situation. 

Even if you’ve been in business for years and feel like you have your messaging “on point”, this is where we create clarity and you walk away with confidence to take action on your next level.


In the final phase, we will tie it all together and ensure you have a unique framework and strategic set of core offers mapped out for your business to evolve into. 


You will walk away with a clear path for your client journey and succinct naming conventions that position you as a go-to expert with a well-rounded business.

Clients are raving….

“Tiffany is THE top branding strategist in the industry, she only produces A-list branding. I am grateful to have her on my side as my branding guide. The ROI of my brand is hard to track, but definitely tens of thousands of dollars for sure. It’s really 10X’d my visibility and increased my confidence.”

– Ron Reich

Marketing Genius + Influencer

“Tiffany has a calm and quiet energy that sneaks up on you and gets into your head. I literally hear her voice and her wisdom when I am about to take big leaps that I have, up until now, been fearful of. Along with her beautiful branding for my business, her program and insight has brought me to a pivotal point in my business and been the catalyst for intense growth.


I never would have imagined my business growing this quickly. She infuses mindset, business growth and marketing strategies – things I never considered to be part of branding – which allowed me to reach a whole new level.”

– Raquel Knack

Founder of Nourished Birth

Here’s What’s Included in Legacy Brand Foundations

12 weeks of Weekly Live Group Sessions

To create your most innovative and simplified Legacy Brand Foundation – these are hotseats, strategy session, breakout rooms and collaboration based. 


We’ve created a safe space for you to not only get Tiffany’s expertise, but also the input of other amazing entrepreneurs and thought leaders to ensure you’re messaging is truly resonating with your ideal clients.

$5,000 Value

LBF Community

Network, brainstorm, and strategize with a highly curated group of A-players. Your peers can give you insights from an objective perspective. 


You will be surrounded with other experts in a safe environment to be real and receive additional support in a mastermind setting.

$2,000 Value

Done For You Brand Manual

You will receive a fully customized 20+ page brand manual that you will refer back to time and time again and can simply hand off to your copywriter or team. 


This is everything you need to build your Legacy and the framework to no longer scramble for content.

$5,000 Value

Plus these Bonuses:

Behind the scenes: I'm sharing my secrets and giving you my templates! (Value $997)

Once you have your Legacy Brand in place, you need to get publicity and attain thought leadership status! 


During this event, I will walk through the steps I took to get featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur and countless podcasts and summits. 


I will show you my personal publicity calendar, provide all my podcast and publicity templates, as well as share best practices for creating lasting relationships that lead to repeat features.

Visibility Transformational Intensive
(Value $997)

If you struggle with visibility, you are going to want to take action NOW to earn this session! Or if you don’t struggle but you know you need to amplify your reach, this group session will be a game-changer. 

My clients have experienced the deepest of transformations in their businesses and brands during this 90-minute intensive, leading to sold-out launches, amazing publicity wins, and more. 




ONLY $3,497

(OR 10 X $377 installments)

With the kind of support I’m giving, I can’t take more than a small handful of change-makers who are serious about making moves in their online businesses NOW!

Many brand experts use a cookie cutter process and charge $10k for messaging alone.

Corporate branding firms/agencies charge upwards of $20k-$50k+, and they don’t really understand the needs of small businesses where YOU are the voice of the brand.


Sure, you could hire a copywriter to redo your website copy and hire someone to cobble together a brand story.


But when those words don’t feel authentic, and you feel nervous or scared to put them out there, then that money goes to waste.


And if you do put it out there without doing the foundational work necessary, your brand and messaging will be fuzzy and unclear. Your ideal clients will be left scratching their head in confusion instead of forking over their cash.


The other option is to just put your head in the sand and do nothing, which – as you know – will lead to a stagnant business that weighs you down.


I created the unique Legacy Brand Foundations Experience to make this work accessible to those who can’t afford a full-on brand remodel with a hefty price tag.

Clients are raving….

“I had a SOLD OUT launch during a pandemic because my messaging and values are so on point!”


I came into the experience not sure what to expect. With Tiffany’s support and genius, I was able to walk away with a brand that feels like ME. I am only working with my ideal clients, and feel aligned with everything I put out there. I had a SOLD OUT LAUNCH during a pandemic because of my messaging and values are so on point! I truly feel like I am making a difference, and I’m doubling my income this year even during a pandemic!

– Elaine Lou

Career and Business Coach for Women of Color

“The brand manual itself is worth a million bucks.”

We never stepped back to look truly at who we are and we serve on a deep level. We found ourselves wiping away tears of joy as we went through the process and we are so grateful. We felt guided, supported, and it was easy and a playful process.


The brand manual itself is worth a million bucks. It clarifies everything about who we’re trying to target and the messaging that’s exactly aligned with our ideal clients. For people wanting to level up, if you’re really trying to grow a premier business, going through the Legacy Brand Foundations™ will help you scale with ease. We can’t recommend it enough.


– Azul Terronez

CEO, Co-Founder at Authors Who Lead

Why Legacy Brand Foundations?

The difference between the Legacy Brand Foundations experience and other branding programs on the market is that THIS is deep work. 


You can’t see the label from inside the bottle, and branding is the ultimate self-development process. 


Let’s UNCOVER your unique brand and messaging, so you can feel CONFIDENT showing your GENUINE self to the world, IMPACT and INSPIRE more people, and MAGNETIZE more ideal clients and opportunities. 


I am here to serve you as:


  • Someone to see your blind spots.
  • Someone to be a mirror and draw out your uniqueness. 
  • Someone to help you develop a clear roadmap that doesn’t have to be reworked every year. 
  • An accountability mentor. Education is not implementation. This is not about learning, this is about doing and becoming.

You will NOT…

Be “put in a bucket” via an archetype.


Walk away unsure about your new brand.


Feel like you have to put on an Oscar-winning performance when you appear in photoshoots or “lives.”

You WILL...

Proceed with confidence and 10x your profit and impact.


Be inspired to take the leap to become the thought leader you’re meant to be.


Lay the foundation for your LEGACY, going beyond just successful launches or singular media appearances, and become an inspiring leader who is recognized worldwide.

The time to enroll in Legacy Brand Foundations is NOW.

If you wait:

You will lose out on revenue and visibility opportunities.


Your business will continue to grow at a snail’s pace (or worse, begin losing money and momentum.)


You’ll risk attracting non-ideal clients who become full-blown nightmares.


Your competition rises above, scooping up all the attention, while you fade into the background.


Look, if you’ve read this far, you probably already know what a compelling brand and message can do for your business. You might feel like your business is ready for it, that you’re ready…but the process might feel a little scary.

That’s okay, and that’s why I created this program
– to take you by the hand so we can do this together.

And I guarantee, you’ll LOVE the result (and so will your business bank account!)

If you’re ready to:

Capture more attention as THE expert in your field…


Command higher fees…


Attract MORE of your ideal clients…


Gain confidence and clarity in yourself and feel AMAZING about your brand…


Build a strong foundation to grow and expand your business without re-inventing the wheel….

Let’s get on a call and see if this is right for you!

Clients are raving….

“My biggest takeaway was enrolling people into my new program RIGHT away!”

I have a newfound confidence and am now thinking about my business differently. It’s allowed me to see beyond the surface and with Tiffany’s help I now have a new masterplan behind it all. She was able to extract the actual concept better than I ever could have imagined or done on my own.

– Samantha Eng

Publicity Mentor

“I now have clarity and have completely pivoted in my business into an aligned place I never imagined.”


I was looking for is was alignment when I started working with Tiffany, because I had so many balls up in the air and was juggling so many things. It was just like a scattered bunch of puzzle pieces and it didn’t quite know what to, what to make of it. I definitely needed someone to mirror back to me how it all connected, how it all fit.


I now have clarity and have completely pivoted in my business into an aligned place I never imagined.


I was also finally able to step out as the brand, as in the past I’ve been very good at hiding behind the scenes. That was huge for accountability for me. I initially expected to do this all on my own and the power of the community as a collective and seeing everybody else grow, flourish and find their footing has been amazing.

– Sarah Yasukochi

Marketing Agency Owner

“I couldn’t see how my multi-passionate and diverse offers could work together. Working with Tiffany and team was magical and I couldn’t be happier!

Ashley Bernardi

“I finally feel like I have a brand I can be proud of. I am more confident and LOVE that my team is supported to help maintain the brand and my voice by having all the assets and messaging nailed down.”

Amanda Walker

What past clients are saying...

“I was able to raise my prices significantly after working with Tiffany. I had felt very stuck and didn’t feel like I was making progress. I kept investing in ALL the courses and things. This process was what FINALLY moved the needle for me and I am so grateful!”

– Laura Sprinkle

Founder of Rock Your Affiliate Program

“I would recommend the Legacy Brand Experience to get clear on who you truly are and your brand comes from deep inside you. There’s nothing else like this process. It really is the most impactful things you can do for your business. “

– Alisa Owens

Intuitive Sales Coach

“I feel more confident about showing up, sharing my message and more excited to serve my clients. I never imagined my business growing so quickly!”

– Rachel Redmond

Founder of The Yin Way

“As a multi-passionate I truly struggled to get my message clear. I jumped in, signed up immedately and knew it was exactly what I needed to clearly communicate and get my message out there. It was a lot easier than I thought and by the end, the result completely exceeded my expectations.”

– Gahrey Ovalle

Author, Activist and Entrepreneur

“I spent well over 5-figures on my brand it the past and it never truly felt like me. Being in the program allowed me to dig deeper and with Tiffany’s help, I finally have the brand of my dreams!”

– Terra Bohlmann

Business Strategist and Coach

“I lacked consistency and clarity in my brand. I knew I had something amazing to offer but never could find the right language to help my ideal clients understand the value. After going through this process, I am now SO clear AND have the confidence to finally truly GO FOR IT!”

– Jessica Walschap

Founder of Imagine Music and Arts

“I came in new to my business in the online world even though I had been in my career for a long time. Tiffany creates such an amazing community and through the 10 weeks I gained a deep perspective and understand of the program I am developing, the message I can share and I am now at my next level to truly expand into my vision.”

– Melissa Reitz

Founder of the Optimized NP

“The experience of Legacy Brand Foundations™ was magical. I learned to lean into BEING my brand and I’m really, really excited about that. Getting the words and the clarity to go forward with even stronger messaging going forward give me confidence to launch in a bigger way.”

– Alison Proffit

Soulful Sales Coach

“My brand was not aligned or attracting my ideal clients. I was done playing small, I wanted to blow up and reach thousands of people and knew I needed help. Tiffany blew my mind with her strategy and truly set me up to play in the big leagues. I am so grateful for her guidance and my results are all because of this work.”

– Ina Coveney

Global Online Presence Expert

“I had SO many ideas and I felt like I was always coming up with more but didn’t have a communicate a clear vision of what my business is about. Tiffany’s her expertise and guidance was pivotal to help me get out of my own head and finally bring everything together in a cohesive brand and message that I feel amazing about.”

– Celia Marie

Business Mentor

“I literally pounded my desk with JOY when I got my brand manually. Even as a copywriter, I had a hard time with my OWN messaging and the higher level vision. Tiffany was able to capture it in a way that was so perfect that I can’t even explain it.”

– Danielle Weil

Copywriter and Business Mentor

“Tiffany really helped me streamline everything in my business. After being in business for 10 years and trying “all the things”, this process was the one that truly provided the results I was always looking for. My brand finally feels aligned and the process was easy, fun and more amazing than I expected.”

– Lisa Shaw

Brand Photographer

It's time to step into your Legacy Brand!

Copyright 2023 Tiffany Neuman Creative

Copyright 2022 Tiffany Neuman Creative

We built and designed our own Legacy Brand website!

Learn how we can help with your website.

What’s Your Brand “Operating System”?

Take the Brand OS™ quiz to discover the glitches in your Brand OS, and how to optimize and get it running smoothly again, so you can captivate and convert your audience like never before!