Establish your brand credibility with the exact steps to create a profitable publicity strategy, quickly!
Today only $9
What’s included:
MASTERCLASS What publicity actually moves the needle for your business, leading to more PROFIT
How to take your brand from non-existent to unforgettable via publicity
The strategy to getting featured in top publications like Entrepreneur and Forbes
And much more!
TEMPLATES The actual pitch templates I use to get on top-rated podcasts
My personal podcast topic bank to use for inspiration to create your strategic topic pillars
Templates to share your publicity wins and invite others to share to go viral!
The media and press kit template I use with my clients when building their expert websites
My personal podcast launch emails, guest email template and SOP so you can delegate and
begin (or uplevel) your own thought leadership strategy!
Hi, I’m Tiffany!
I am excited to provide you with the exact strategy and templates you need to get seen and create credibility and position yourself as a thought leader because the world needs your expertise!
After 15 years in the corporate world, working with global brands like FedEx, Adidas and Burt’s Bees, I struck out on my own to help highly-motivated women entrepreneurs create their Legacy Brand™.
After working with 100’s of clients and in my own experience as an online business owner, I’ve found that using strategic publicity is one of the best ways to catapult both INCOME and IMPACT.
In fact, within my first 3 years in business, I was featured in Forbes, became a contributor for Entreprenuer, on the cover of Step-mom Magazine and have been featured in countless podcasts. Not only has it increased my credibility, it’s led to an extremely profitable business and brand! And if I can do it, so can you!
Whether you’re established and wish to take your brand to the next level, or newer in business but serious about growing quickly, this strategy can help you get to your next level!
I can’t wait to see your results, cheers to your legacy!
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