Best Damn Coach

Amanda is a Certified Master Coach and helps coaches and online service-based business owners help get their client results faster so they can make more money.


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Your Legacy Brand

Like so many enterprenuers, Amanda “built the plane while she was flying it” and DIY’d her brand and website when she started her journey.

After some success and growth, she knew she needed to uplevel to truly reach her big goals.

We worked with Amanda to develop the words to call in her perfect clients and to create clarity on her offers, naming conventions and more.

We also worked to position her as a thought leader by developing a separate website with her media and speaking.

It was a joy to help her streamline her messaging and bring a whole new level of WOW to her visual presence.

"I finally feel like I have a brand I can be proud of. I am more confident and LOVE that my team is supported to help maintain the brand and my voice by having all the assets and messaging nailed down."


We built and designed our own Legacy Brand website!

Learn how we can help with your website.

What’s Your Brand “Operating System”?

Take the Brand OS™ quiz to discover the glitches in your Brand OS, and how to optimize and get it running smoothly again, so you can captivate and convert your audience like never before!