Episode 26: Legacy Leader on Clarity: Dawn Loding

“You can leave a legacy, but you can also live it now.” — Tiffany Neuman   LISTEN TO THE EPISODE BELOW     Read the full transcription.   It is such a joy to watch my clients flourish after they receive clarity from going through my Legacy Brand Foundations® program.    And my client Dawn… Continue reading Episode 26: Legacy Leader on Clarity: Dawn Loding

Episode 25: Seven Steps To Achieving Brand Clarity

“Clarity within leads to clarity without.” — David Dillard-Wright   LISTEN TO THE EPISODE BELOW     Read the full transcription.   I have a question for you: how long does it take you to describe what you do?    Can you wrap up who you are, what you offer, and why someone needs you… Continue reading Episode 25: Seven Steps To Achieving Brand Clarity

Episode 24: The Why, What, Who, and How of Brand Clarity

“Finding clarity is eliminating options and aligning with your own True North.” — Tiffany Neuman   LISTEN TO THE EPISODE BELOW     Read the full transcription.   We all know about or have at least heard of the 5 W’s of a story or the writing process, right? I bet we can all repeat… Continue reading Episode 24: The Why, What, Who, and How of Brand Clarity

Episode 23: BONUS Legacy Leader on Clarity: Samantha Joseph

“Right now, women, we are ready to arise worldwide because we are worth it and we have something to bring to the table. Now is our time.” — Samantha Joseph   LISTEN TO THE EPISODE BELOW     Read the full transcription.   This month we have a BONUS episode of The Legacy Lounge Podcast… Continue reading Episode 23: BONUS Legacy Leader on Clarity: Samantha Joseph

Episode 22: Legacy Leader on Slowing Down to Speed Up: Jessica Fearnley

“My big mission in my business is empowering women to create wealth and opportunities for themselves and the people around them.” — Jessica Fearnley   LISTEN TO THE EPISODE BELOW     Read the full transcription.   Don’t you wish you could just talk to an expert who knows exactly how to take business from… Continue reading Episode 22: Legacy Leader on Slowing Down to Speed Up: Jessica Fearnley

Episode 21: Visualization: Slowing Down To Become Present

“Slow down and enjoy life. It’s not only the scenery you miss by going too fast, you also miss the sense of where you are going and why.” — Tiffany Neuman   LISTEN TO THE EPISODE BELOW     For many of us, modern life involves a ton of rushing and never feeling like we’ve… Continue reading Episode 21: Visualization: Slowing Down To Become Present

Episode 20: Moving Too Fast: Three Ways You’re Damaging Your Brand

“Slow down and enjoy life. It’s not only the scenery you miss by going too fast, you also miss the sense of where you are going and why.” — Tiffany Neuman   LISTEN TO THE EPISODE BELOW     Read the full transcription.   It seems like in order to get ahead, you have to… Continue reading Episode 20: Moving Too Fast: Three Ways You’re Damaging Your Brand

Episode 19: Lessons In Slowing Down Speed Up

  “She doesn’t beg, force, or chase. She prays, works, and has faith.”  — Unknown Author   LISTEN TO THE EPISODE BELOW     Read the full transcription.   I don’t know about you but when it feels like a shit show in the world, I get more fired up to make a bigger impact. … Continue reading Episode 19: Lessons In Slowing Down Speed Up

Episode 18: Visualization: Living In Alignment With Your Values

“Well done is better than well said.” — Benjamin Franklin   LISTEN TO THE EPISODE BELOW     In this series on Values we’ve done a lot of work to define what is actually important to us in our life and in our business, but what happens if you’re just not quite feeling in alignment… Continue reading Episode 18: Visualization: Living In Alignment With Your Values

Episode 17: Legacy Leader on Values: Karen Sergeant

“If your values aren’t helping you make a decision, they probably haven’t been refined enough.” — Karen Segeant LISTEN TO THE EPISODE BELOW Read the full transcription. Decision fatigue is real, and here’s why:  The average adult makes 35,000 decisions every day.  Now, factor in the life and daily choices presented to an entrepreneur or business… Continue reading Episode 17: Legacy Leader on Values: Karen Sergeant

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